Corrections on Trash to Treasure Sale
If you want to shop early you can pay $25.00 and shop Saturday evening October 8 from 5-7.
All money will be donated to Young & Healthy.
We have lots of needlepoint canvases and a huge amount of knitting yarn!
Remember cash or checks only for this sale!
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108
Cooper Oaks Trunk Show is packing up on Saturday.
Call us with any last minute orders. 626-793-5217
Here is the link to see what they have.
New Trunk Shows for October have already arrived.
Remember 20% Off all trunk Show Canvases
Tapestry Fair October 1-16
Pepperberry Designs October 1-31
I don't think there will be a problem for the Trash to Treasure Sale since it is Sunday but the traffic on Huntington Drive is a mess. There is still parking in front of the shop, but getting here during the week is interesting. Please use the alley and park behind the store if you get frustrated. The back awning says The Andover Shop. Double park if you need to. We can always shuffle cars if necessary.
We hope to see you soon!
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108