Embellishment Squad Sign Up
Here is the email many of you have been waiting for.
Every other year we invite Meredith Willett, Tony Minieri, Suzanne Howren and Debbie Stiehler to bring their needlepoint teaching talent to A Stitch In Time. This is a four day class. Each day you will work with a different teacher to embellish your canvas with beautiful threads and decorative stitches.
More details and deadlines are on the authorization form.
The Embellishment Squad will be here September 14-18, 2017
This is the link to our web site for the sign up form.
Scroll down the page and click on Authorization Form.
Please fax, email or mail your form back to us.
fax 626-793-5220
We will have a block of rooms at the Marriott Courtyard in Pasadena.
We will have shuttle vans to get you to and from the shop if you don't have a car.
I will send a link to those of you who are attending to reserve your room.
We are only taking 40 for the class.
Alison Hodgkiss
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108