Final Week
This is a little reminder that our sale will end Tuesday August 23.
Knitting Yarn 30% off
Needlepoint Canvases 30% off
All gift items in Hodge Podge 30% off
Sale prices may not be combined with Groupon
No special orders, holds or returns on sale items
We will be open until 7pm Wednesday August 17th.
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108
Knitting Yarn 30% off
Needlepoint Canvases 30% off
All gift items in Hodge Podge 30% off
Sale prices may not be combined with Groupon
No special orders, holds or returns on sale items
We will be open until 7pm Wednesday August 17th.
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108