Artist's Collection Trunk Show
The Artists Collection Trunk Show arrived today and is up on the wall!! They sent a huge show. Many canvases for Halloween, Christmas, baby and lots of purse canvases. The show is here through September 30th. Of course all trunk show canvases are 20% off during the show.
For those of you unable to get to the shop during the show go to their web site to see the line. Call us to place an order. 626-793-5217
On the heels of Artists Collection will be Rebecca Wood Designs. That show is October 4 - 30.
We have also set a date for our bi-annual Trash and Treasure event.
Save Sunday, October 16 from 12 to 4. This is a great opportunity to buy Canvases and Knitting Yarn at a deep discount. All the money raised will be donated to Young and Healthy in Pasadena. Remember Cash or checks only.
There is still time to donate to the sale. Clean your closets of unwanted projects now!
In addition to our Trash and Trasure Sale we are having a This and That Sale. This is inventory I want to move out from Hodge Podge. All This and That items will be 50% Off. All the money raised will also go the Young and Healthy. Remember Cash or Check only.
One other event scheduled is our Baubles and Bubbles Jewelry Show. We have scheduled this event for Friday, October 14th from 10 - 3. 20% of all purchases made of Jewelry and Hodge Podge Gifts will go the Children's Chain which is a fund raising arm of Los Angeles Children's Hospital.
For you Knitters, our winter yarns should be arriving any minute now. I will send an email when they get here. There are several new yarns that I am really excited to try.
Thanks for being customers,