It's Market Time
Michelle and I are headed of to The Fall Needlework Market tomorrow. We will be posting what we find on our Instagram page astitchintime_needlework. If you see something posted from us or another shop or designer, please let us know and we will be happy to pick it up or order it for you. Call the shop 626-793-5217 or send me an email alison@astitchintimeneedlepoint.com.

We have the Colors of Praise Trunk Show in the shop this month. Click on this link to see the whole line. The web site has three needlepoint chairs I can bid on for you at the show! They are stunning.
The next two Trunk Shows are:
The Meredith Collection Nov 15- Dec 15.
The Plum Stitchery December 5-25
Click on their names and let us know if you would like to pre order a special canvas!
As always 20% Off on Trunk Show Canvases.

December 4 1:00 - 4:00 I will be teaching this exclusive Raymond Crawford Canvas.
Southern California Icons
The finished piece measures 10.5X10.5 and is on 18 mesh.
Canvas $190.00
Guide/Class Fee $100.00
Materials $200.00
This will come with a complete guide so if you can't make it to the shop, you can purchase the kit.
Please let me know if you are interested. The canvases have arrived so they can be kitted at any time. 626-793-5217
That's it for now. As always we appreciate you,
A Stitch In Time
2465 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108