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Trash to Treasure and Santa Barbara Retreat

Trash to Treasure was a huge success. We sent Young & Health over $7000.00 so far. Magnets and grab bag thread bags are still available. Thank you to all of you who donated and shopped. I know Young & Healthy appreciates it.

Santa Barbara Retreat

This year we are going to have 2 sessions.

Session 1 is May 14-18. Session 2 is May 18-22.

Registration is now open. We will sell out, so don't hesitate to sign up.

Here is the link to the sign up form.

Give us a call with any questions. 626-793-5217


Thank you


A Stitch In Time

2465 Huntington Dr

San Marino, CA 91108



Contact Us
  •  (626) 793-5217
  •  2465 Huntington Dr
    San Marino, CA 91108
  •  M-F: 10am - 5pm              Saturday 10am - 4pm          Sunday Closed